SOU Supportive Courses

Tournament Preparation

The business venture plan is an essential part of planning for the success of a venture. Each planning area is relevant even if the primary study major differs from the School of Business. Many professions reflect the individual’s passion, such as dentists, hair stylists, environmental scientists, attorneys, and lobbyists. The business venture plan is relevant to any venture that involves structure to accomplish organizational goals. All organizations must manage money, legal requirements, marketing, and social responsibilities. The business venture plan helps to account for the basic needs of an organization – regardless of the passion.

The following courses teach skills needed for business venture plan development and are available at Southern Oregon University. Consider taking them starting your Sophomore year to obtain the necessary skills for a successful competition. The judges will evaluate the business venture plan before the formal presentation. They may have questions to determine if the plan is viable. Preparing ahead with courses in these skills will help to prepare the plan with solid research and data.

BA 211 – Financial Accounting4BA 131 recommended
BA 213 – Managerial Accounting4BA 211
Communication & Presentation
COMM 222 – Creativity & Design Thinking4None
COMM 424 – Creative Entrepreneurship4None
UGS 187 – Academic Workshop: Presentation Skills2None
BA 324 – Business Communication4USEM 103
BA 330 – Principles of Marketing4None
BA 436 – Internet Marketing4BA 330
BA 483 – Sustainable Leadership4Strand I, Junior or above
BA 490 – Cases in Corporate Sustainability4Strand I, Junior or above